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Not Bad in Bulgaria end July

The new production of Anthill Films will premiere in Bulgaria on July 25th, Hall 11 NDK - Kino Lumiere, from 20:30.

FREE ENTRY - bring your friends and whoever you think will enjoy it.

30 days of bicycle tomfoolery in New Zealand.

This is a tale of epic adventure. A tale of seven brave riders who set out from the four corners of the globe to gather together under one roof in a town located at the ends of the earth. A tale with no beginning and no end but where a few things happen in between. Things like eel fights. Yeah that’s right... f’n eel fights. So watch this movie. Why? Because it’s 'Not Bad... 30 days of bicycle tomfoolery in New Zealand'.

A new short film from the crew who brought you The Collective, Roam, Seasons, Follow Me and Strength in Numbers. Starring: Brandon Semenuk, Brook MDonald, Brett Rheeder, Cam McCaul, Andrew Shandro, René Wildhaber and Ryan Howard.

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Manufacturer of DRAG Bicycles * Manufacturer of COX Components *  Distributor of more than 50 world-famous brands for parts, components, accessories, clothing and footwear * DragZone store chain  and online shop owner